1. Ground Position Indicator
    2. GOES Precipitation Index
    3. Graphics Programming Interface
    4. General Purpose Input
    5. Gimbal Position Indicator
    6. General paralysis of the insane
    7. General Purpose Interface
    8. Global Precipitation Index
    9. Glucosephosphate isomerase
    10. Gas puff imaging
    11. Generalist Physician Initiative
    12. Genuine Progress Indicator
    13. Globus pallidum internum
    14. Genetics and Public Issues Program
    15. Globus pallidum internus
    16. General Pharmaceutical Inspectorate
    17. Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase - also G6PI
    18. Glycerophosphoinositol - also GroPIns
    19. Glycosylphosphatidylinositol - also GPtdIns
    20. Glycosylphosphatidylinositols - also GPIs
    21. Group I - also GI and G-I

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