- Ground Position Indicator
- GOES Precipitation Index
- Graphics Programming Interface
- General Purpose Input
- Gimbal Position Indicator
- General paralysis of the insane
- General Purpose Interface
- Global Precipitation Index
- Glucosephosphate isomerase
- Gas puff imaging
- Generalist Physician Initiative
- Genuine Progress Indicator
- Globus pallidum internum
- Genetics and Public Issues Program
- Globus pallidum internus
- General Pharmaceutical Inspectorate
- Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase - also G6PI
- Glycerophosphoinositol - also GroPIns
- Glycosylphosphatidylinositol - also GPtdIns
- Glycosylphosphatidylinositols - also GPIs
- Group I - also GI and G-I
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