1. General Purpose
    2. General practitioner
    3. Glide Path
    4. Graphics processor
    5. Gas Plasma
    6. Guinea pig
    7. Group - also G, GRP, Gru and GR
    8. Geometric progression
    9. General practioner
    10. General Publication
    11. General Protection
    12. Glans penis
    13. Gram positive - also gm+
    14. Group Processor
    15. G-protein - also Gt
    16. Gallstone pancreatitis - also GSP
    17. Gabapentin - also GBP and GPT
    18. Galactose permease - also GalP
    19. GUADELOUPE - also GLP and G
    20. Glucose-6-phosphatase - also G6Pase, G-6-Pase, G6P, Glc-6-Pase, Glc6Pase, Glu-6-Pase, G-6-P, G-6-P-ase, G6-Pase and G-6Pase
    21. Glutathione peroxidase - also gpx1, GPX, GPO, G-Px and GPOX
    22. General practitioners - also GPs
    23. Gangliocytic paraganglioma - also GPG
    24. Glycogen phosphorylase - also GPase and glgP
    25. Gene product - also gro
    26. General medical practitioner - also GMP
    27. Glycerol-3-phosphate - also G3P and glycerol-3-P
    28. General population - also GenPop
    29. GTP-binding protein - also G-protein, Gi, GBP, Go and GE

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