1. GUAM - also GUM, G and Guam
    2. Genitourinary
    3. Gastric ulcer
    4. Georgetown University
    5. Gallaudet University
    6. Gastric ulceration
    7. Gannon University
    8. Gastric ulcers - also Gus
    9. Gently Used
    10. Glucose units
    11. Glasgow University
    12. Glucose utilization
    13. Glucose uptake
    14. Goldblatt units
    15. Gonzaga University
    16. Gonococcal urethritis
    17. Government unit
    18. Guanosine - also g, Guo and Gua
    19. Grafton and Upton Railroad Company - also GURZ
    20. Grafton and Upton Railroad - also GURZ

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