1. Human Computer Interface
    2. Human Computer Interaction
    3. Hardware Computer Interface
    4. Host Controller Interface
    5. Horizon Crossing Indicator
    6. Hardness Critical Item
    7. Hardware Configuration Item - also HWCI
    8. Heavy chain - also HC, H-chain, H(C) and HCh
    9. Hardened Control Item
    10. Hemin-controlled translational inhibitor
    11. Health Care on the Internet
    12. Highes Communications, Inc
    13. Horizontal condylar inclination
    14. Honeywell Communications Interface
    15. Hairy cell index
    16. Heme-controlled translational inhibitor
    17. Hereditary Cancer Institute
    18. Highly charged ion
    19. Hydrochloric acid - also hcl
    20. Hydrogen Chloride - also HCl

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