1. Hue Saturation Brightness
    2. High-speed Buffer
    3. Humidity Sounder for Brazil
    4. Head Start Bureau
    5. High Speed Boat
    6. HSB GROUP, INC.
    7. Human Studies Board
    8. Hunter-Schreger bands
    9. Hue, Saturation and Brightness
    10. Humidity Sounder - Brazil
    11. Headquarters and Service Battery
    12. Health Studies Branch
    13. HQ and Service Battery
    14. Hue, Saturation, Brightness
    15. Humidity Sensor for Brazil
    16. IATA code for Harrisburg-Raleigh Airport, Harrisburg, Illinois, United States
    17. High-structure, behaviorally-oriented
    18. Humidity Sounder for Brasil
    19. Hydrologic Systems Branch in the Office of Hydrology

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