1. Interagency Agreement - also IAG
    2. Independent Assessment
    3. Input Axis
    4. Instrumentation Amplifier
    5. Intra arterial
    6. Issuing Agency
    7. International angstrom
    8. Investigative Assistant
    9. Information Assurance - also I-ASSURE
    10. Intelligence Assessment
    11. Iodine absorber
    12. Isotopic analysis
    13. Iowa - also I, Io, Iowa and Ia.
    14. Image analysis - also IMAN
    15. Import Administration
    16. Independent Agencies
    17. Inverter Assembly
    18. Immigration Agent
    19. Impulse approximation
    20. International Alphabet
    21. Ibotenic acid - also IBO and IB
    22. Iliac arteries - also IIA
    23. Insulin antibodies - also IAA, IAs and Iab
    24. Iodoacetamide - also IAA, IAM, IDAM and IAAM
    25. Influenza A virus - also IAV
    26. Internal audit - also IAUD
    27. Immunoadsorption - also IAS and IMA
    28. Indocyanine green angiography - also ICGA, ICG and ICG-A
    29. Immunoadsorption plasmapheresis - also IAPP
    30. International Affairs - also INTAF
    31. Identification and Authentication - also I & A and I&A
    32. Intra-arterial - also i-a
    33. Index of Association - also I(A)
    34. Interface Adapter - also I/A

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