1. International Bachelor of Business Administration
    2. Illinois Bed and Breakfast Association
    3. Indiana Bed and Breakfast Association
    4. Institute of Biology and Biotechnology in Agriculture
    5. Idaho Buckskin Breeders Association
    6. International Black Belt Association
    7. Ilocano Backyard Breeders Association
    8. International Brangus Breeders Association
    9. Important Bird and Birding Areas
    10. International Butterfly Breeders Association Inc.
    11. Indonesian Best Brand Award
    12. Interstate Banking and Branching Act
    13. International Black Belt Academy
    14. Irving Boys Baseball Association
    15. International Blood Bowl Association
    16. International Boatbuilders' Association
    17. International Business Brokers Association
    18. Internationale Berliner Basketball Akademie
    19. Intranet BDN/BIRLS Access

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