- Interstate Commerce Commission
- Instrument Control Center
- Interface Control Chart
- International Chamber of Commerce - also INCO
- Intermarket Clearing Corporation
- International Code Council
- International Color Consortium
- Interstitial cells of Cajal - also IC
- ISDN Communications Controller
- Intelligent Communications Control
- International Conference on Communications
- Inuit Circumpolar Conference
- IC central nucleus
- Ilisagvik Community College
- Immunocompetent cell
- IAPS Card Cage
- Idiopathic chronic constipation
- Illinois Central College
- Immunoglobulin-containing cells - also Ig-CC
- Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma - also IHCC and IHC
- Invasive cervical carcinoma - also INCA
- Inferior colliculus - also IC and ICcLS
- Intraclass coefficients - also ICCs
- Intraclass correlation coefficients - also ICCs
- Intraclass correlations - also ICCs
- Intelligence Coordination Center - also INTELCOORDCEN
- Intraclass Correlation Coefficient - also Intra-CC and IntraCC
- Interclass correlation coefficient - also Inter-CC
- Interclass correlation coefficients - also ICCs
- International Criminal Court - also ICCt
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