1. Inventory Control Point
    2. Instrument Calibration Procedure
    3. Inductively coupled plasma
    4. Integrated Channel Processor
    5. ICS Control Program
    6. Inductively-coupled plasma
    7. Industrial Cooperation Program
    8. Incident Command Post
    9. Independent Content Provider
    10. Integrated Communications Provider
    11. Initial Connection Protocol
    12. Intelligent Computer Peripherals
    13. Intermittent catheterization program
    14. Internet Caching Protocol
    15. Intracranial pressure
    16. Investment Corporation of Pakistan
    17. Idiopathic chronic pancreatitis
    18. Idiopathic CP
    19. IMA Control Protocol
    20. Image Coprocessor
    21. Ion Chromatography - also IC
    22. Inception Report - also ICR
    23. Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy - also ICPES and ICP-ES
    24. Insecticidal crystal proteins - also ICPs
    25. Intracranial pressures - also ICPS
    26. Integrated Care Pathways - also ICPs
    27. Inductively coupled argon plasma - also ICAP

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