1. Intensive observing period
    2. Institute Of Physics - also IPhys, IP, InstP and Inst Phys
    3. Intensive Observation Period
    4. Input / Output Processor
    5. In-Orbit Plane
    6. Institute of Petroleum - also IP and InstPet
    7. Internal Operating Procedures
    8. Input/Output Port
    9. Intraocular pressure
    10. Institutional Operating Plan
    11. Initial Operational Capability - also IOC
    12. I/O Packet
    13. Input-Output Processor
    14. I/O Processor
    15. Input/Output Processor - also IOB
    16. Increment Operations Plan
    17. Initial Observation Period
    18. Input/Output Parity
    19. Intraocular pressures - also IOPs
    20. Interface Operating Procedures - also IOPS

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