- International Switching Center
- Industrial Source Complex
- Internet Service Center
- Inter-Systems Communication
- Information Services Center
- Idle Speed Control
- Information Systems Command
- Instruction Set Computer
- Information Systems Center
- Instrument Support Controller
- Item Standardization Code
- Information Systems Committee
- Instrument Signal Conditioning
- International Space Corporation
- Immunoglobulin-secreting cells - also IgSC and Ig-SC
- Ig-secreting cells - also IgSC and ISCs
- Integrated System Control - also ISYSCON and ISCON
- Ischemia - also IS and ISCH
- Interstrand cross-links - also ICLs, ICL, ISCL and ISCs
- Irreversibly sickled cells - also ISCs
- Ischemic - also ICM, IS and isch
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