1. International Switching Center
    2. ISCO
    3. Industrial Source Complex
    4. Internet Service Center
    5. Inter-Systems Communication
    6. Information Services Center
    7. Idle Speed Control
    8. Information Systems Command
    9. Instruction Set Computer
    10. Information Systems Center
    11. Instrument Support Controller
    12. Item Standardization Code
    13. Information Systems Committee
    14. Instrument Signal Conditioning
    15. International Space Corporation
    16. Immunoglobulin-secreting cells - also IgSC and Ig-SC
    17. Ig-secreting cells - also IgSC and ISCs
    18. Integrated System Control - also ISYSCON and ISCON
    19. Ischemia - also IS and ISCH
    20. Interstrand cross-links - also ICLs, ICL, ISCL and ISCs
    21. Irreversibly sickled cells - also ISCs
    22. Ischemic - also ICM, IS and isch

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