1. Intravenous
    2. Immigration Visa
    3. Initial Velocity
    4. Interactive Video
    5. Independent verification
    6. Initial Value
    7. Interface Volume
    8. Iodine value
    9. Integrated Vehicle
    10. Isolation valve - also ISOL
    11. Influenza virus - also IFV
    12. Incubation of vanadium
    13. Immature virus
    14. In vivo
    15. Independent Variable
    16. Ichthyosis vulgaris - also ich vul
    17. In vitro
    18. Independent Verification and Validation - also IV&V and IVV
    19. Initialization Vector - also IV&V
    20. Intravaginal - also IVAG and ivg
    21. Intravenous infusion - also IVI
    22. Ivermectin - also IVR and IVM

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