1. Large Astronomical Satellite
    2. Land Analysis System
    3. Laser absorption spectroscopy
    4. Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate
    5. League of Arab States
    6. Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale
    7. Linear alkylbenzene sulfonates - also LASs
    8. Laboratory automation system
    9. Linear alkyl sulfonate
    10. Laboratory for Astrophysics Spatial
    11. Laboratory Analytical Services
    12. Laboratory and Point-of-Care Testing Accreditation Standards
    13. Laboratory of Atmospheric Science
    14. IATA code for McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
    15. Laboratoire Astronomie Spatiale
    16. LAGEOS Apogee Stage
    17. Lassa fever virus - also lfv
    18. Lysine acetylsalicylate - also L-ASA and LASA
    19. Legal and Administrative Services - also L&AS

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