1. Lotus Communications Architecture
    2. Life cycle assessment
    3. Launch Control Amplifier
    4. LEICA
    5. Life Cycle Analysis
    6. Logic Cell Array
    7. Load Controller Assembly
    8. Leucocyte common antigen
    9. Left coronary artery
    10. Lab Cradle Assembly
    11. Latent class analyses
    12. IATA code for Larnaca Airport, Larnaca, Cyprus
    13. Laboratory Cradle Assembly
    14. Lambda chart analysis
    15. Large cell acanthoma
    16. Last common ancestor
    17. Land cover analysis
    18. Left circumflex artery - also lcx, LCXA and LC
    19. Lymphocytotoxic antibody - also LCTAb
    20. Left circumflex coronary artery - also lcxca, LCX, LCCA, LC and LCF
    21. Lymphocytotoxic antibodies - also LCAs, LCTAb, LCTA and LCTAs
    22. Long-chain acylcarnitines - also LCAC
    23. Left common carotid artery - also lcca
    24. Left main coronary artery - also lmca, LM, LMC and LMT

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