1. Launch Readiness Review
    2. Lightweight Rainfall Radiometer
    3. Leucine-rich repeat
    4. Long-Range Radar
    5. Leak and repair reports
    6. Leu-rich repeat
    7. Leucine-rich repeats - also LRRs
    8. Locoregional recurrence - also LR
    9. Laser Retro-reflector
    10. Locoregional relapse
    11. Local recurrence rate
    12. Light reflexion rheography
    13. Lateral retinacular release
    14. Least Resistance Routing
    15. Leucine rich region
    16. Light reflection rheography
    17. Liquidity Reserve Requirement
    18. Local-regional recurrence
    19. Locoregional recurrences - also LR
    20. Loss of the righting reflex - also LoRR
    21. Loss of righting reflex - also LORR

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