1. Logistics Support Analysis
    2. Launch Services Agreement
    3. Line Sharing Adapter
    4. Lotus Solution Architecture
    5. Labor Surplus Area
    6. Large Space Antenna
    7. Limited Spacecharge Accumulation
    8. Link State Advertisement
    9. Local space approximation
    10. Logistics Support Area
    11. Low Specific Activity - also LSP
    12. Linear superposition approximation
    13. Logistic Support Analysis
    14. Local Security Authority
    15. Labor Service Agency
    16. LAN and SCSI Adapter
    17. Lactose synthetase
    18. La Salle Academy
    19. Lymphosarcoma - also LS and LS-A
    20. Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus - also ls&a
    21. Leaving the Scene of an Accident - also LV ACC
    22. Lipid-associated sialic acid - also LASA
    23. Lipid-bound sialic acid - also LBSA
    24. Left subclavian artery - also lsca
    25. Logistics Support Agency - also LOGSA

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