1. Line Telecommunications
    2. Logical Terminal - also LTERM
    3. Link Trailer
    4. Local Time - also l.t.
    5. Low Tension
    6. Lead Time
    7. Left - also L and LFT
    8. Light - also l, LGT and L-
    9. Laboratory technology
    10. Less than
    11. Local Tandem
    12. Line Termination
    13. Liver transplant - also ltx and LRLT
    14. Low Temperature - also LTEMPT
    15. Long Term
    16. L-tryptophan - also L-Trp, L-TP, L-TRY and L-T
    17. Labile enterotoxin
    18. Lactate - also LA, Lac, LA-, Lact and Lac-
    19. Length - also L, LEN, LN and LE
    20. Lymphotoxin-alpha - also LT-alpha
    21. Lymphocytes - also lymphs, Ly, LYM, Lc, LYMPH, lys and LPT
    22. Large T antigen - also LTAg and LTA
    23. Leukotoxin - also LKT, LTX and Lx
    24. Laparotomy - also lap
    25. Lateral - also LAT, LA, LL, LR, latrl, L and latl
    26. Lactate threshold - also LaT
    27. Lethal toxin - also LeTx
    28. Ligustrazine - also Lig
    29. Lieutenant - also Lieut, Lieut(N) and lieut.
    30. LITHUANIA - also LTU, LH, LIT, L and Lith
    31. Liver transplantations - also LRLT
    32. Liver transplants - also LRLT
    33. Large tumor antigen - also LTAg
    34. Letter of Transmittal - also LOT
    35. Liver transplantation - also LRLT and LRT
    36. Lymphocyte transformation - also LTF and LTT
    37. Laser trabeculoplasty - also ltp

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