1. Long Time Constant
    2. Line Traffic Coordinator
    3. LASTEC
    4. Linux Technology Center
    5. Longitudinal Time Code
    6. Long term care
    7. Local Transportation Commission
    8. Long-Term Concentration
    9. Legislative Transportation Committee
    10. Lafferty Transportation
    11. Lakeshore Technical College
    12. Light transfer characteristics
    13. Lake Tuggeranong College
    14. Leukotriene C - also LTC(4)
    15. Life-threatening conditions
    16. Lima Technical College
    17. Laboratory Training Center
    18. Lieutenant Colonel
    19. Long-term marrow cultures - also LTMC and LTMCs
    20. Long-term bone marrow culture - also LTBMC and LTMC
    21. Long-term cultures - also LTCs

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