Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Long Time Constant
    2. Line Traffic Coordinator
    3. LASTEC
    4. Linux Technology Center
    5. Longitudinal Time Code
    6. Long term care
    7. Local Transportation Commission
    8. Long-Term Concentration
    9. Legislative Transportation Committee
    10. Lafferty Transportation
    11. Lakeshore Technical College
    12. Light transfer characteristics
    13. Lake Tuggeranong College
    14. Leukotriene C - also LTC(4)
    15. Life-threatening conditions
    16. Lima Technical College
    17. Laboratory Training Center
    18. Lieutenant Colonel
    19. Long-term marrow cultures - also LTMC and LTMCs
    20. Long-term bone marrow culture - also LTBMC and LTMC
    21. Long-term cultures - also LTCs

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