- Lunar Module
- Lender Memo
- Lentigo maligna
- Light microscope
- Light microscopy
- Link Manager
- Liquid metal
- List of Materials - also LOM and L/M
- Left Mid
- Long Module
- Line Monitor
- Lockheed Martin
- Low melting
- La Mariposa
- Labor Month
- Laboratory Module - also LAB
- Lactose malabsorption
- Lacunosum-moleculare - also L-M
- Lab Manual
- Laminin - also LN, LAM, LA and LMN
- Laryngeal mask - also LMA
- Laryngeal mask airway - also lma
- LAN Manager - also LANMan
- Lean mass - also LEAN
- Left main coronary artery - also lmca, LCA, LMC and LMT
- Luminol - also LUM
- Lockheed Martin Corporation - also LMT, LMCo and LOCKHEED
- Leptomeningeal metastases - also LMM
- Laser microdissection - also LMD
- Low molecular weight - also lmw and LMWH
- Logistics Module - also LOGMOD
- Lumen - also L and lu
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