1. Military Agency for Standardization
    3. Management Advisory Services
    4. Molecular absorption spectroscopy
    5. Magic angle spinning
    6. MODIS Airborne Simulator
    7. Monetary Authority of Singapore
    8. Military Assistance Sales
    9. Magnesium aluminum silicate
    10. Mechanical Actuation System
    11. Microbeam Analysis Society
    12. Military Airlift Squadron
    13. Multiple Award Schedule
    14. Macarthur Adventist School
    15. Macrophage aggregates
    16. Macarthur Anglican School
    17. Macrophage activation syndrome
    18. Massachusetts - also MA, Mass, M and Mass.
    19. Monoclonal antibodies - also moabs, MA, mAbs, Mab, MoAb, McAbs, McAb, MCA, MCAs and Mo-Abs
    20. Melanoma antigens - also MAGE
    21. Masseter - also ma and MASS
    22. Magic angle sample spinning - also MASS

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