1. Mesoscale Convective System
    2. Multichannel Communications System
    3. Master control system
    4. Material Control System
    5. Multiple cloning site
    6. Maneuver Control System
    7. Modulation and Coding Scheme
    8. Multiple chemical sensitivity
    9. Management Control System
    10. Message Conversion System
    11. MICRO-STAR
    12. Monte Carlo simulation
    13. Measurements Calibration System
    14. Maintenance Control Subsystem
    15. Maintenance and Checkout Station
    16. Marine Corps School
    17. Method of constant stimuli - also MOCS
    18. Macrophages - also Mo, Mac, MP, MPs, Mph, MOs, MACS, MA, Ms, Mphs and mc
    19. Microcystins - also MC, MCYSTs and Mcyst
    20. Myoepithelial cells - also MECs, MEC and MC
    21. Major Subordinate Command - also MSC
    22. Mononuclear cells - also MC, MNC, MNCs, MN and MNL
    23. Mesothelial cells - also MC and M-cells

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