- Mesoscale Convective System
- Multichannel Communications System
- Master control system
- Material Control System
- Multiple cloning site
- Maneuver Control System
- Modulation and Coding Scheme
- Multiple chemical sensitivity
- Management Control System
- Message Conversion System
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Measurements Calibration System
- Maintenance Control Subsystem
- Maintenance and Checkout Station
- Marine Corps School
- Method of constant stimuli - also MOCS
- Macrophages - also Mo, Mac, MP, MPs, Mph, MOs, MACS, MA, Ms, Mphs and mc
- Microcystins - also MC, MCYSTs and Mcyst
- Myoepithelial cells - also MECs, MEC and MC
- Major Subordinate Command - also MSC
- Mononuclear cells - also MC, MNC, MNCs, MN and MNL
- Mesothelial cells - also MC and M-cells
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