- Minimum Descent Altitude
- Monochrome Display Adapter
- Mail Delivery Agent
- McDonnell Douglas Aerospace
- Main Distribution Assembly
- Multiple Docking Adapter
- Medicated Digest Authentication
- Model Driven Architecture
- Maintainability Design Approach
- Mechanisms Drive Assembly
- Manufacturing Defects Analyzer
- Milestone Decision Authority
- Minimum Detectable Activity
- Medical Devices Agency
- Military Damage Assessment
- Minimum detectable amount
- MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates, Inc.
- Main Defense Area
- Maintainablility Design Approach
- Malondialdehyde - also Mal, MA and MDH
- Maternal derived antibodies - also MAbs
- Megadalton - also Md and Mdal
- Megadaltons - also Mdal and Md
- Malondialdehyde-thiobarbituric acid - also MDA-TBA
- Mesencephalic dopaminergic - also mesDA
- Membrane lipid peroxidation - also MLP
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