1. Minimum Descent Altitude
    2. Monochrome Display Adapter
    3. Mail Delivery Agent
    4. McDonnell Douglas Aerospace
    5. Main Distribution Assembly
    6. Multiple Docking Adapter
    7. Medicated Digest Authentication
    8. Model Driven Architecture
    9. Maintainability Design Approach
    10. Mechanisms Drive Assembly
    11. Manufacturing Defects Analyzer
    12. Milestone Decision Authority
    13. Minimum Detectable Activity
    14. Medical Devices Agency
    15. Military Damage Assessment
    16. Minimum detectable amount
    17. MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates, Inc.
    18. Main Defense Area
    19. Maintainablility Design Approach
    20. Malondialdehyde - also Mal, MA and MDH
    21. Maternal derived antibodies - also MAbs
    22. Megadalton - also Md and Mdal
    23. Megadaltons - also Mdal and Md
    24. Malondialdehyde-thiobarbituric acid - also MDA-TBA
    25. Mesencephalic dopaminergic - also mesDA
    26. Membrane lipid peroxidation - also MLP

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