Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Modular Display Electronics
    2. Modular Design Environment
    3. Mechanical Drive Electronics
    4. Mechanisms Drive Electronics
    5. Motor Drive Electronics
    6. Mission Dependent Equipment
    7. M Data Extraction
    8. Manual Data Entry
    9. IATA code for José María Córdova International Airport, Medellín, Colombia
    10. Major depressive episode
    11. Major depressive episodes - also MDEs
    12. Major depression - also md
    13. Mechanism Drive Electronics
    14. Magenetic Decision Element
    15. Maryland Department of the Environment
    16. Measures and Disarmament in Europe
    17. Manufacturing development engineering
    18. Middle East - also ME and Mid East
    19. Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine - also MDEA
    20. Microsoft Data Engine - also MSDE

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