Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Maintenance Engineering Analysis
    2. Main Electronics Assembly
    3. Minimum Enroute Altitude
    4. Malt Extract agar
    5. Multilateral Environmental Agreement
    6. Main Engine Assembly
    7. Metal Edge Amplifier
    8. More Electric Aircraft
    9. Materials Experiment Assembly
    10. Michigan Education Association
    11. Maine Education Association
    12. Male enhanced antigen
    13. Manhasset Education Association
    14. Maine Educational Assessment
    15. Manatee Education Association
    16. Marysville Education Association
    17. Mass/Energy Analysis
    18. Mast cell growth-enhancing activity
    19. Multi Engine Aeroplane - also ME(A)
    20. Medial amygdala - also MA, mAMYG, Me and mAMY
    21. Medial - also MED, Me and MA

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