Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. MEC
    2. Main Engine Controller
    3. Model Energy Code
    4. Master Event Controller
    5. Memory Expansion Card
    6. Management Education Center
    7. Miniature Embedded Converters
    8. Mission Events Controller
    9. Marine Employees' Commission
    10. Meconium
    11. Main Evaluation Center
    12. Maine Central Railroad
    13. Maintenance Engineering Committee
    14. Mammary epithelial cell
    15. Mammary epithelial cells - also MECs, MMEC and MMECs
    16. Main Engine Control
    17. Main Equipment Center
    18. Maine Central Railroad Company
    19. Major environmental category
    20. Mucoepidermoid carcinomas - also MECs
    21. Meclofenamate - also MF and MECLO
    22. Microvascular endothelial cells - also MVEC, MVECs, MECs and MVE
    23. Myoepithelial cells - also MECs, MC and MCs
    24. Mecamylamine - also MECA
    25. Microvascular endothelial cell - also MVEC
    26. Microvessel endothelial cells - also MVEC

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