Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Marine Expeditionary Force - also MEF(FWD)
    2. Materials Exposure Facility
    3. Minimum Essential Force
    4. Major Equipment File
    5. Mouse embryonic fibroblast
    6. Myocyte enhancer factor
    7. Macrolide efflux
    8. Major Equipment Files
    9. Maximal expiratory flows
    10. Maximum expiratory flow rate - also mefv and MEFR
    11. Mechano-electric feedback
    12. Mefenamic acid - also MFA, MA and MF
    13. Macrorestriction endonuclease fingerprint
    14. Mad environmental filters
    15. Master Earnings File
    16. Maximal expiratory flow
    17. Maximum expiratory flow
    18. Median edge frequency
    19. Mefloquine - also MQ, MFQ and MF
    20. Murine embryo fibroblasts - also MEFs
    21. Mouse embryo fibroblasts - also MEFs
    22. Middle ear fluids - also MEFs
    23. Murine embryonic fibroblasts - also MEFs
    24. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts - also MEFs

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