Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Manufacturing Execution System
    2. Main Engine Start
    3. Mission Events Sequence
    4. Minimum European Set
    5. Mated Events Simulator
    6. Mobile Earth Station
    7. Mated Elements Simulator
    8. Macdowell Elementary School
    9. IATA code for Polonia International Airport, Medan, Indonesia
    10. Machado Elementary School
    11. Macarthur Elementary School
    12. Macquiddy Elementary School
    13. Mack Elementary School
    14. Madera Elementary School
    15. Macy Elementary School
    16. Madrona Elementary School
    17. Madison Elementary School
    18. Madrone Elementary School
    19. Microembolic signals - also MESs
    20. Methysergide - also MS, Meth and MET
    21. Metabolic syndrome - also MS, MetS, MetSyn and MBS
    22. Metal-Semiconductor - also MS and M-S
    23. Mobile End System - also M-ES

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