Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.
- Meteorological - also M, Meteorol and metrl
- Mission Elapsed Time
- Memory Enhancement Technology
- Meteorology - also METRO, M and Meteorol
- Mission Events Timer
- Metallurgy - also M, Metal and Metall
- Master Events Timer
- Mechanical Engineering Team
- Methionine - also M, met- and METH
- Middle European Time
- Manpower Education and Training
- Many electron theory
- Metallothionein - also MT, MTN, MT-I and MTh
- Metronidazole - also MTZ, MNZ, MZ, METRO, MTR, MN and MD
- Methoxamine - also MTX, MO, me, MX, Meth and METHOX
- Methamphetamine - also meth, MA, MAP, MAMP, M-AMPH, MP, MTH, mAMPH, MAPT and MeAmp
- MetLife, Inc. - also MEU and MLG
- Methionine-enkephalin - also met-enk, ME, M-ENK, MENK and MEK
- Metoprolol - also MP and METO
- Met-enkephalin - also Met-ENK, ME, MENK, m-ENK, MEK and Met-EK
- Metrology - also Metrol
- Methanol - also MeOH, ME and M
- Metastasis - also meta and M
- Methadone - also METH, MTD and MD
- Methysergide - also MS, Meth and MES
- Metabolic equivalents - also METs
- Metastases - also mets, MT and MTs
- Metastatic - also mets
- Metoclopramide - also Mcp, MTC, MC, MCA, MP, MTCL and MCL
- Metergoline - also MTG
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