1. Middle Marker
    2. Millimeter
    3. Major Mode
    4. Maintenance Manual - also MLS
    5. Man-Month
    6. Mass Memory
    7. Materials Management - also MAT
    8. Media Manager
    9. Mesoscale model - also MM5
    10. Memory Module
    11. Mobile Management
    12. Main Memory
    13. Malignant melanoma - also MMM
    14. Marriage minded
    15. Main Module
    16. Market maker
    17. Material Management
    18. Marshall Manual
    19. Methyl mercaptan
    20. Millimole - also mmol and mmole
    21. Month - also MTH, mo, m., M, Mon and mo.
    22. Mammillary nucleus - also MN and MMN
    23. Methotrexate - also mtx, MT, MXT and MX
    24. Man Month - also Man Mo
    25. Macromolecule - also Macromol
    26. Man-Machine - also MAMA
    27. Macromolecules - also Macromol
    28. Medium - also MED, M, MEM, MDM, mu, MD and Med.
    29. Management - also MGT, MGMT, man., mngmt and M
    30. Membrane - also MB, mem, MN, M and Memb
    31. Minutes - also min, m and mins
    32. Million - also M, Mio, mi and mill
    33. Minimal model - also MINMOD
    34. Malignant mesothelioma - also MMe
    35. Man-Machine Interface - also MMI
    36. Money Market - also MMKT
    37. Mammography - also MMG and MG
    38. MicroMiniature - also Micromin
    39. Mycophenolate mofetil - also mmf and MPM
    40. Melanoma - also MEL, MLM, ME and M
    41. Measurements - also msmt and mst
    42. Monocytes/macrophages - also m/m, MO/MA and MO/MAC
    43. Michaelis-Menten - also M-M

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