1. Matched Memory Cycle
    2. Metal Matrix Composite
    3. Microcomputer Marketing Council
    4. Monopolies and Mergers Commission
    5. Martin Marietta Corporation - also MMAX, DRCX and MMBX
    6. Maximum material condition
    7. Materiel Management Center
    8. MultiMediaCard
    9. Manual Mode Command
    10. Metal Matrix Composites
    11. Micro-Meteoroid Capsule
    12. Man-Machine Communication
    13. Mission Management Center
    14. Meharry Medical College
    15. Money Market Certificate
    16. Metropolis Monte Carlo
    17. Microsoft Management Console
    18. Mitomycin c - also mito, mtc, MC, Mit-C, MM-C, MIT and MitC
    19. Migrating motor complexes - also MMCs
    20. Mucosal mast cells - also MMCs
    21. Migrating myoelectric complexes - also MMCs

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