1. Month - also MTH, MM, m., M, Mon and mo.
    2. Master Oscillator
    3. Mars Observer
    4. Molecular Orbital
    6. Medical officer - also M.O.
    7. Managed Object
    8. Magneto Optical
    9. Move - also MOV and M
    10. Manual Orientation
    11. Magneto-optic - also M-O
    12. Manned Orbiter
    13. Manufacturing Order
    14. Major Objective
    15. Medulla oblongata - also MED and Med Obl
    16. Middeck Overhead
    17. Metal oxide - also MeO
    18. Management Operations
    19. Mineral oil
    20. MISSOURI - also Misr, M and Mo.
    21. Mouse - also Mus, Mu, Ms and M
    22. Money Order - also M.O. and M/O
    23. Migraine without aura - also MWoA, MwA and MOA
    24. Methoxamine - also MTX, MET, me, MX, Meth and METHOX
    25. Macrophages - also Mac, MP, MPs, Mph, MOs, MACS, MA, Ms, Mphs, MCs and mc
    26. Manual of Operation - also MANOP
    27. Methyl orange - also MeOr
    28. Menhaden fish oil - also MFO
    29. Months - also mos. and mos
    30. Mobility - also MOB and M
    31. Management Object - also MO-WORM
    32. Morphine - also MOR, MORPH, MRP and MP
    33. Mother - also mum, M, m. and mo.
    34. Morelos - also MORELOS
    35. Monocytes - also mono, M, MN, MOs, MC, MNs, mon, MNC and MNCs
    36. Mononuclear phagocytes - also MP, MNP, MPs, MPh and MNPs
    37. Macrophage - also mac, Mp, MA, MPH, M- and M
    38. Monocyte - also mono, MN and MC
    39. Magneto-Optical - also M-O

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