- Master of EDucation - also ME and MEduc
- Medium - also M, MEM, MM, MDM, mu, MD and Med.
- Medical - also Medical, MD and M
- Mediterranean - also M and Medit
- Medicine - also MD and M
- Mobile Energy Depot
- Manual Entry Device
- Medial - also Me, MEA and MA
- Minimal erythema dose
- Minority Enterprise Development
- Manipulative Electronic Deception
- Median - also md, Mn, Me and M
- Minimum effective dose
- Ministry of Economic Development
- Main excretory duct
- Maintenance Engineering Directive
- Maintenance Data Management System - also MDMS
- Male erectile disorder
- Medulla oblongata - also MO and Med Obl
- Minimal erythemal doses - also MEDs
- Minimal Erythema Doses - also MEDs
- Medulloblastoma - also mdb, MB and MBL
- Minimal effective doses - also MEDs
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