1. Network File System
    2. NASA FAR Supplement
    3. Network File Service
    4. National Forest Service
    5. Not For Sale
    6. Nuclear fuel services
    7. National Forest System
    8. Nozzle Flow Sensor
    9. NATO Force Structure
    10. National Fertility Survey
    11. Naval Fire Support
    12. National Food Survey
    13. Need For Speed
    14. Network Facilities Services
    15. National Fertility Studies
    16. Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
    17. Net feet squared
    18. Navicular fat stripe
    19. Neurofilaments - also NF, NF-L and NF-M
    20. Neurofilament proteins - also NFPs, NFP and NF
    21. Neurotrophic factors - also NTFs and NTF

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