2. Network Interface - also NETIF
    3. Normenausschuss Informationsverarbeitungssysteme
    4. Nickel
    5. Natural immunity - also Nat Immun
    6. Network Interconnect
    7. NICARAGUA - also NIC, N and Nicar
    8. National Insurance
    9. Negative ion
    10. Network Inventory
    11. Nigeria - also NG, NGA, N and Nig
    12. Nitrogen intake
    13. Northern Ireland - also No Ire
    14. N intake
    15. Name identity
    16. Naphthalimide
    17. Naropa Institute
    18. NA inhibition - also NAI
    19. Nansei Islands
    20. Narcotrend Index
    21. Network Element - also NE
    22. National Integrated Services Digital Network - also N-ISDN, NISDN and NI-1
    23. Negative - also NEG, n, -ive, N-, Ne, N(-) and Neg.
    24. Nifedipine - also NIF, NF, NFP, NFD, NP, ND and NIFE
    25. National ISDN - also N-ISDN and NISDN
    26. Neurointermediate lobe - also NIL
    27. Northern Indiana Public Service Company - also NI^ and NORX

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