1. Nova Scotia
    2. Nickel Steel - also Ni St
    3. Not specified
    4. National Standard - also NAS and NS No
    5. Naval Station - also NAVSTA
    6. Name Server
    7. Network service
    8. Nimbostratus
    9. Normal saline - also N/S
    10. Near side
    11. Not sufficient - also n.s. and N/S
    12. Neutron Star
    13. Non-Smoker - also N/S
    14. Not scheduled
    15. Network Security - also NETSEC
    16. Neutron Spectrometer
    17. National Semiconductor - also NSC
    18. Nervous system
    19. Network Supervisor
    20. Nuclear safety - also NSAFE and Nucl Saf
    21. Nerves - also NN
    22. Nedocromil sodium - also ned and NCS
    23. Norfolk Southern Railway Company - also NKP, NSFZ, NSPZ, NSXZ, NSZ, NW and NWZ
    24. Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors - also NSGCT and NSGCTs
    25. Netherton syndrome - also neth
    26. Norfolk Southern Railway - also ACY, MGA, NSFZ, NSPZ, NSXZ, NSZ and NWZ
    27. Nonstructural proteins - also nsPs
    28. Neurosurgery - also nsy
    29. Normal subjects - also NL, NOR, NLS, NC, Normals and NT

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