1. National toxicology program
    2. Network Time Protocol
    3. Normal temperature and pressure
    4. Network Test Panel
    5. Notice to Proceed
    6. Network Termination Point
    7. Network Terminal Protocol
    8. Nuclear test plant
    9. Nasal tip projection
    10. National TB Control Programme
    11. N-terminal peptide
    12. National Training Priorities
    13. National TB control program
    14. National transuranic program
    15. National TB Programme
    16. National Tuberculosis Control Program - also NTCP
    17. National tuberculosis control programme
    18. National Transportation Policy
    19. National Tuberculosis Program
    20. Nitrendipine - also NIT, NTD, NTR and NT
    21. Nitroprusside - also NP, NPS, Nip and Nipride
    22. Nortriptyline - also NT, NOR, NORT and NRT
    23. Nucleoside triphosphates - also NTPs
    24. Nucleotide triphosphates - also NTPs

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