1. Output Control Pulse
    2. Office of Commercial Programs
    3. Onchocerciasis Control Program
    4. Open circuit potential
    5. Oral contraceptive pill - also OC
    6. Office of Civilian Personnel
    7. Operational Capability Plan
    8. Observable Critical Process
    9. Occupational Completion Point
    10. Octacalcium phosphate
    11. Office of Central Programs
    12. Oasis Charter Public
    13. Obstructive cholestasis during pregnancy
    14. Oceanic clearance processor
    15. Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
    16. Onchocerciasis Control Programme
    17. Oral contraceptive pills - also OCPs and OCs
    18. Organochlorinated pesticides - also OCPs
    19. Organochlorine pesticides - also OCPs, OCs, OPs and OC

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