1. Optical path difference
    2. Officer Professional Development
    3. Office of Program Development
    4. Operand - also OPND, O and OP
    5. Outpatient department - also OP
    6. Operations Division - also OD
    7. O-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride
    8. O-phenylenediamine - also o-PD, o-PDA, OPDA and oPhDA
    9. Obstructive pulmonary disease
    10. Obnoxious Personality Disorder
    11. Office for Persons with Disabilities
    12. Oculopharyngeal dystrophy
    13. Olpadronate
    14. Opening Delayed
    15. Ongoing Professional Development
    16. Operating Program Director
    17. Operational plan document
    18. Outpatient departments - also OPDs

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