1. Operating System - also O/S, Oper Syst and OPSYS
    2. Office of the Secretary
    3. Open System
    4. Left eye - also le
    5. Open Source
    6. Object space
    7. Operating Software
    8. Optics Subsystem
    9. Ordnance Survey - also OSGB
    10. Operations Support
    11. Oral surgery - also OSURG
    12. Osmium
    13. Osteosarcoma - also osrc, OSA and OST
    14. Oxygen saturation - also O2 sat, OSAT and SO2
    15. Obese - also ob
    16. Mouth - also M
    17. Osteogenic sarcoma - also ogs
    18. Operational security - also OPSEC
    19. Operating Strength - also OPSTR
    20. Overspeed - also OVSP, O/S and OVSPD
    21. Overall survival - also OAS and OVS
    22. Operations Summary - also OPSUM

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