- Pulse Amplitude Modulation
- Payload Assist Module - also PAM-D
- Primary Access Method
- Paging Area Memory
- Peripheral Adapter Module
- Programmable Attribute Maps
- Pass Along Method
- Periodic Anderson model
- Pulse-Amplitude Modulation
- Pamphlet - also pam.
- Performance assessment methodology
- Photolabile Attachment Molecules
- Portable Automated Mesonet
- Pulse Amplifier Modulation
- Payload Accommodation Manager
- Pesticide Analytical Manual
- Pledged Account Mortgage
- Procurement Aircraft and Missiles
- IATA code for Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Florida, United States
- Polyacrylamide - also PAA, PA and pAAm
- Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis - also PAME
- Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station - also PAMS
- Pulmonary artery mean pressure - also PAP, PAMP and PPA
- Porcine alveolar macrophages - also PAMs
- Pralidoxime - also PRX
- Pulmonary macrophages - also PM, PuM and PMs
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