Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.
- Patrol Craft, Escort
- Pollution Control Equipment
- Power Control Electronics
- Process Communications Engineer
- Power Conversion Electronics
- Program Cost Estimate
- PAL control equipment
- Patient Care Evaluation
- Particulate Control Experiment
- Perchloroethene - also PER
- Patient Care Encounter
- Pentachloroethane - also PCA
- Perchloroethylene - also PERC and PER
- Phenylcyclohexylethylamine
- Percutaneous - also percut, PTCA and pc
- Personal Care Expenditures
- Phosphorylcholine esterase
- Psychological Continuing Education Credit - also PCEC
- Polychromatic erythrocytes - also PE, PCEs and PEs
- Plasma cholinesterase - also PChE
- Pseudocholinesterase - also PChE, PsCHE and pseudo-ChE
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