Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Patrol Craft, Escort
    2. Pollution Control Equipment
    3. Power Control Electronics
    4. Process Communications Engineer
    5. Power Conversion Electronics
    6. Program Cost Estimate
    7. PAL control equipment
    8. Patient Care Evaluation
    9. Particulate Control Experiment
    10. Perchloroethene - also PER
    11. Patient Care Encounter
    12. Pentachloroethane - also PCA
    13. Perchloroethylene - also PERC and PER
    14. Phenylcyclohexylethylamine
    15. Percutaneous - also percut, PTCA and pc
    16. Personal Care Expenditures
    17. Phosphorylcholine esterase
    18. Psychological Continuing Education Credit - also PCEC
    19. Polychromatic erythrocytes - also PE, PCEs and PEs
    20. Plasma cholinesterase - also PChE
    21. Pseudocholinesterase - also PChE, PsCHE and pseudo-ChE

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