1. Primary Control Program
    2. Primary Care Physician
    3. Printer Control Protocol
    4. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
    5. Primary coolant pump
    6. Parts Control Plan
    7. Post-construction permit
    8. Process control plan
    9. Programmable Communications Processor
    10. Project Cost Plan
    11. Plug CompatiblePeripheral
    12. Power Control Panel
    13. Program control procedure
    14. Project Change Proposal
    15. P chlorophenylalanine - also pcpa
    16. P carinii pneumonia
    17. P-chlorophenol - also p-CP
    18. Phencyclidine - also Phe
    19. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure - also pcwp, PCW, PWP, PW, Ppw and PC
    20. Pentachlorophenol - also penta and PeCP
    21. Pulmonary capillary pressure - also Pc, Ppc and Pcap
    22. Primary care physicians - also PCPs
    23. Primary Care Providers - also PCPs
    24. Primary Care Partnerships - also PCPs
    25. Pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase - also PYRase

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