- Potential difference - also PDI
- Public DOMAIN
- Position description
- Pitch Down
- Point Detonating
- Program Directive
- Propulsion Directorate
- Power Dissipation
- Product Data
- Packetization Delay
- Per diem
- Physical Delivery
- Point of Departure - also POD
- Population density
- Port Dues
- Power Distribution
- Probability of Detection - also POD
- Professional Development - also Prof Dev
- Phase difference - also phi
- Paid - also pd.
- Phosphodiesterase - also pde, PDEase, PDEs, PDEA and PDase
- Parkinson's disease with dementia - also PDD
- Pirfenidone - also PFD
- Pump discharge - also PDISCH
- Phosducin - also Phd and PDC
- Period - also P, PER, PO and PR
- Prednisone - also pred, PDN, PN, PR, PRD, PO and PSE
- Prednisolone - also prdl, psl, Pred, PRD, Pr, PDN, PS, PRE, Pn, PL, PDS and PNL
- Postnatal days - also PND, PNDs, PN and PDs
- Perinatal death - also pnd
- Prenatal diagnosis - also PND
- Putidaredoxin - also Pdx
- Postpartum depression - also PPD
- Proton density-weighted - also PDW
- Plug and Display - also P&D and PnD
- Pediatricians - also PEDs
- Population doublings - also PDs and PDLs
- Primidone - also PRI, PRM, PRIM and Pr
- Pulmonary disease - also pud
- P-wave dispersion - also PWd
- Pyridostigmine - also Pyr and Py
- Pyridinoline - also Pyr and PYD
- Pyridostigmine bromide - also PB and PYR
- Profile descent - also P DES and P-DES
- Proximal-distal - also P-D
- Pressure-diameter - also P-D
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