- Prospective decision date
- Project Design Document
- Physical Device Driver
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder - also ppd
- Presidential Decision Directive
- Projected decision date
- Program Design Data
- Payload Definition Document
- Portable Digital Document
- Priority Delivery Date
- Product Definition Data
- Package design document
- Parkinson's disease and dementia
- Parkinson disease dementia
- Papillomatous digital dermatitis
- Parkinson's disease with dementia - also PD
- Package Designation and Description
- Package Designation and Description File
- Parkinson's disease dementia
- Percentage depth doses - also PDDs
- Prescribed daily doses - also PDDs
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders - also PDDs
- Premenstrual dysphoric disorder - also PMDD
- Procurement Desktop-Defense - also PD2
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