Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Preliminary Engineering Report
    3. PERMEA
    4. Perigee - also P
    5. Program Event Recording
    6. Packed Encoding Rules
    7. Pre-Environmental Review
    8. Protein efficiency ratio
    9. Perchloroethylene - also PCE and PERC
    10. Process Emission Regulation
    11. Period - also P, PO, PR and PD
    12. Price Earnings Ratio
    13. Parametric Estimating Relationship
    14. Pavimento elevado registrable
    15. IATA code for Perth Airport, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
    16. By or through
    17. Packed encoding rule
    18. Parameter Error Rate
    19. Packet Error Rate
    20. PERU - also PE and P
    21. Peroxidase - also px, POX, POD, PO and PRX
    22. Perphenazine - also PPZ and Pz
    23. Perchloroethene - also PCE
    24. Peripheral - also periph, p and Perif
    25. Perform - also P and Perf
    26. Peroneus longus - also PL and PerL
    27. Personnel - also Pers and P
    28. Permethrin - also PM and PERM
    29. Permanent - also perm and P
    30. Perirhinal - also PRh

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