1. Page Fault Error
    2. Pressurized fluid extraction
    3. Programmer's File Editor
    4. Plenum fill experiment
    5. Pacific Fruit Express - also SPFE and UPFE
    6. Papillary fibroelastoma
    7. Pelvic floor exercise
    8. Pelvic floor exercises - also pfex
    9. Perfluorocarbon emulsion
    10. Pfizer, Inc.
    11. Pomegranate fruit extract
    12. Phyllanthus fruit extract
    13. Portable Forth Environment
    14. Plenum filling experiment
    15. Potential Future Exposure
    16. Portable Fire Extinguisher
    17. Pressure Feedback EGR
    18. Power Feed Equipment
    19. Pseudomonas fluorescens - also Pf, PFL and PflM

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