1. Public health nurse
    2. Public Health Network
    3. Public Health Nursing
    4. Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - also PVN, PVH and PA
    5. Passive Heymann's nephritis
    6. IATA code for St. Clair County International Airport, Port Huron, Michigan, United States
    7. Passive Heymann nephritis
    8. Phenacetin - also APC, PH, PHEN and PHE
    9. Pelvic hematoma necessitans
    10. Phenazinium
    11. Phenylephrine - also PE, PHE, PH and phen
    12. Phenanthrene - also PHEN, Phe, PA and Ph
    13. Phenylnitrene
    14. Phentolamine - also PH, PHE, PHEN, PA, PTA and PHENT
    15. Photoreceptors - also PRs and PR
    16. Phenylisothiocyanate - also PITC
    17. Population, Health and Nutrition
    18. Phoenician
    19. Phrenic nerve - also pn and PH
    20. Post herpetic neuralgia
    21. Pulmonary hypertension - also pht, ph, PAH and PHTN
    22. Public health nurses - also PHNs

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