1. Public health service
    2. Public Health Services
    3. Payload Handling Station
    4. Personal Handyphone System
    5. Prostaglandin H synthase - also PGHS
    6. Personal Hygiene Station
    7. Public Health Statement
    8. Packaging, Handling and Storage
    9. Palmdale High School
    10. Pacific High School
    11. Parkes High School
    12. Parramatta High School
    13. Pacifica High School
    14. Package, handling and storage
    15. Pallister hall syndrome
    16. Palmerston High School
    17. Paramount High School
    18. Parlier High School
    19. Physical - also PP, phys, PHY and PH
    20. Phosphatidylserine - also ps, PtdSer, POPS, PtdS and PSer

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