- Personal Intelligent Communicator
- Plastic-insulated cable
- Product of Incomplete Combustion
- Programmable Interval Clock
- Personal Identification Code
- Priority Interrupt Controller - also PINT
- Public Information Center
- Particle in cell
- Pilot In Command - also PC
- Programmable Interrupt Controller
- Polyethylene-insulated conductor
- Pressurized Ion Chamber
- Prior informed consent
- Primary Independent Carrier
- PCM Interface Controller
- Point in Call
- Position Independant Code
- Pyro Ignition Control
- Phospholipase C - also plc and PL-C
- PowerShares Exchange-Traded Fund Trust - also PBE, PBJ, PBS, PBW, PEJ, PFM, PHJ, PID, PJP, PKB, PMR, PPA, PSI, PSJ, PUI, PWB, PWJ, PWP, PWT, PWV, PWY, PXE, PXJ, PXN, PXQ, PZI and PRF
- Picrotoxin - also PTX, PT, PCT and PX
- Picture - also PICT, PCT, P and PIX
- Plasmin-plasmin inhibitor complex - also PPIC
- Polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid - also polyIC and Poly(I)-Poly(C)
- Phylogenetically independent contrasts - also PICs
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