1. Personal Intelligent Communicator
    2. Plastic-insulated cable
    3. PICANOL
    4. Product of Incomplete Combustion
    5. Programmable Interval Clock
    6. Personal Identification Code
    7. Priority Interrupt Controller - also PINT
    8. Public Information Center
    9. Particle in cell
    10. Pilot In Command - also PC
    11. Programmable Interrupt Controller
    12. Polyethylene-insulated conductor
    13. Pressurized Ion Chamber
    14. Prior informed consent
    15. Primary Independent Carrier
    16. PCM Interface Controller
    17. Point in Call
    18. Position Independant Code
    19. Pyro Ignition Control
    20. Phospholipase C - also plc and PL-C
    21. PowerShares Exchange-Traded Fund Trust - also PBE, PBJ, PBS, PBW, PEJ, PFM, PHJ, PID, PJP, PKB, PMR, PPA, PSI, PSJ, PUI, PWB, PWJ, PWP, PWT, PWV, PWY, PXE, PXJ, PXN, PXQ, PZI and PRF
    22. Picrotoxin - also PTX, PT, PCT and PX
    23. Picture - also PICT, PCT, P and PIX
    24. Plasmin-plasmin inhibitor complex - also PPIC
    25. Polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid - also polyIC and Poly(I)-Poly(C)
    26. Phylogenetically independent contrasts - also PICs

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