1. Pelvic inflammatory disease
    2. Payload Insertion Device
    3. Proportional Integral Derivative
    4. Proportional Integral Differential
    5. Process IDentification number - also PIN
    6. Process ID
    7. Proportional Integral and Derivative
    8. Plan Identification Number - also PIN
    9. Parameter Identification
    10. Packet Identifier
    11. Photoionization Detector
    12. Process Identifier
    13. Product IDentifier
    14. Program Information Document
    15. Project IDentification - also PI
    16. Proportional-Integral-Derivative
    17. Partial initial decision
    18. Program Introduction Document
    19. Parameter identifier - also PI
    20. PowerShares Exchange-Traded Fund Trust - also PBE, PBJ, PBS, PBW, PEJ, PFM, PHJ, PIC, PJP, PKB, PMR, PPA, PSI, PSJ, PUI, PWB, PWJ, PWP, PWT, PWV, PWY, PXE, PXJ, PXN, PXQ, PZI and PRF
    21. Pelvic inflammatory diseases - also PIDs
    22. Primary immunodeficiency diseases - also PIDs
    23. Peri-infarct depolarizations - also PIDs
    24. Piping and instrumentation diagram - also P&ID
    25. Piping and instrumentation - also P&I

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